KISS News Bits

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  • sonrisa salvaje
    • Jun 2005
    • 2098

    Originally posted by jacksmar

    The bitterness between the current and former members who founded Kiss will not be quelled anytime soon. It's been a little over a week since the group announced that it would not perform "in any lineup" at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony, following Ace Frehley's comment that he would not perform with current guitarist Tommy Thayer wearing Frehley's sometime makeup. Now, in a new interview with Guitar World, vocalist-guitarist Paul Stanley has derided Frehley's talent.

    "What we had at the beginning was magical. . . Ace and I played great together," Stanley said. "But in my mind it's a crime what Ace did: He threw away incredible potential and talent. The Ace I played with when the band first started out was a comet – and not [Frehley's late-Eighties band] 'Frehley's Comet!' But he was burning bright and really had the ability – and this would rub him the wrong way – to be a real contender. But he stopped practicing. He got involved with a whole lot of things that really diluted and diminished his craft. I saw that comet grow dim.
    How about you go put the X in Sex or Huh All Night...or whatever lame shit you do Paul.


    • Dave's Bitch

      • Apr 2005
      • 5293

      Originally posted by sonrisa salvaje
      How about you go put the X in Sex or Huh All Night...or whatever lame shit you do Paul.
      Hey, those songs kick ass
      I really love you baby, I love what you've got
      Let's get together we can, Get hot


      • silverfish
        Foot Soldier
        • Mar 2007
        • 566

        Guess I jumped the gun - according to Blabbermouth, Eric Carr's
        family did not file the lawsuit against KISS - link

        "This proceeding was filed by a non-related third party without any
        knowledge, authorization or consent of anyone in the Carr family."
        Originally posted by sadaist
        I don't mind that one Nickelback song. I just hate the fact that they put it on every album 10 times.


        • twonabomber
          formerly F A T

          • Jan 2004
          • 11238

          Originally posted by PETE'S BROTHER
          nice helmet
          Don't say that to the guy at the next urinal!
          Writing In All Proper Case Takes Extra Time, Is Confusing To Read, And Is Completely Pointless.


          • Nickdfresh

            • Oct 2004
            • 49326

            Well, I've finally found Doctor Love:


            • DavidLeeNatra
              • Jan 2004
              • 10715

              Roth Army Icon
              First official owner of ADKOT (Deluxe Version)


              • Va Beach VH Fan
                ROTH ARMY FOUNDER
                • Dec 2003
                • 17913

                As you can probably imagine, looks like a good chunk of Paul's book will be an Ace/Peter slamfest.....

                Peter posted a sign every day counting down the number of days left on the Farewell Tour. He started painting a teardrop below his eye. I thought it made him look like Emmett Kelly's famous Weary Willie character, the tragic clown who toured with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. And as for the rest of his makeup, it was as if he had forgotten how to do it. He started to look like a panda bear, with big rectangles around his eyes.

                The tour was horrible. Constant drudgery and misery. We spent all of our energy trying to coax Peter and Ace out of their hotel rooms. Ace sucker-punched Tommy at one of the shows. Peter had his usual handbook detailing how hotel staff had to treat him and which windows had to be covered with tinfoil and all that. There was no reasoning with either of them. We never knew if we'd make it to a show on time, and once we got onstage we never knew whether we'd get through the show. I mean, if a guy has trouble putting on his makeup, how is he going to play? Not surprisingly, the shows could be pretty awful.

                I was angry at Peter and Ace for being disrespectful toward everything we had accomplished and everything the fans were giving us. I bought into the idea that this really was it. The end of Kiss. There was no place to go. it was unbearable.

                We were stuck in a rut musically as well – basically playing the same 17 songs we'd taught them for the initial reunion. This was the third tour with the same set list. Peter and Ace just couldn't master any more. The needle was already into the red. I had to come up with nonsensical interview responses to questions about why we were playing the same songs. I couldn't just say, "because Peter and Ace can't learn any others."

                One night during a show Doc McGhee tried to get my attention from the side of the stage, gesturing up at me and holding his nose.


                "You stink!" he yelled. I walked over to him during a break between songs. "What did you say?"

                "You stink!" he repeated. "Fucking Peter is playing too slow," I told him. Doc ran around behind the drum riser and started making the same gesture at Peter. "Peter, you're playing too slow!" "Well, so are they!" Peter shouted back. "What are you talking about?" Doc screamed. "You're the fucking drummer!" Another night Peter had a new problem. He stopped playing in the middle of a song and just held his sticks up and looked at me like a deer in the headlights. I yelled, "Play!" and started tapping my foot so at least he would start hitting the drums again. That happened on more than one occasion.

                A well-known musician – who had seen the band many times – approached me one night and said, "I can't come to any more shows. It's just too painful to listen to."

                The worst feeling was reading reviews trashing the shows and thinking, "That's spot on." It was such a shame because the band could have been great and wasn't. The drama offstage and the hostility and resentment and backstabbing was taking a heavy musical toll. And then there were the drugs. When Ace had an off night and made a lot of mistakes, we would joke that his mixture was off.

                It would have been great to go out in a blaze of musical glory; instead, we were dragging our asses. At one point we put aside a few days to brush up on songs and tighten things up. Ace didn't show for one of the rehearsals. He said he wasn't feeling well because he had Lyme disease – an illness brought on by the bite of a deer tick. Peter, brainiac that he is, said, "That's bullshit! He was never bitten by a deer!"

                Am I living in an insane asylum?

                On August 11, 2000, we had a show in Irvine, California, after a week off. Ace had spent the week in New York. We had a rule that if anyone was going to fly cross-country on a commercial flight to get to a gig, he had to get there a day in advance – just to be safe, in case there was a storm or a mechanical issue or whatever. We didn't want to have to cancel shows.

                The day before the Irvine show, Tommy had arranged for a limo to pick Ace up and take him to his flight. He always had the limo show up hours early because it was the same chore to get Ace out of his house as it was to get him out of a hotel. Then all of us sat around waiting for updates on Ace's progress. Ace's pickup was schedule for noon East Coast time.

                At 1:30 P.M. Tommy called the limo. "Mr. Frehley needs to get going."

                "Um, sir, he hasn't come out of the house yet."

                Another half an hour passed. Tommy and Doc tried to get Ace on the phone, calling his house. No answer. After calling his house five more times, they finally got him on the line.

                "Ace, you have to get in the car – you're going to miss your flight."

                "There's a problem . . . uh . . . and i'm sick . . ." Millions of excuses. They kept rescheduling Ace on later and later flights. The limo went back each time. it got to be 7 and then 8 P.M. "Passenger has not left his house, sir," reported the limo driver each time.

                Tommy managed to get Ace on the phone again. "There's one more flight out tonight, last one."

                "Okay," said Ace. "I promise."

                But again at the appointed time, nothing happened. "Passenger still not out of house, sir."

                Flight missed.

                The next day was the show. Ace started the day on the other side of the country. By some minor miracle, however, he made it to the airport in the morning, was met by the on-site rep, and was escorted onto his plane.

                Traffic from LAX airport to the venue was going to present a serious problem. So we arranged for a helicopter to sit at Terminal 4, where Ace was arriving, and shuttle him to the venue by air. That way he could probably make it in time for the concert.

                Then we got a call. "Well, there's good news and bad news."


                "The good news is that Ace really is on the plane. The bad news is that the plane has a mechanical problem and is delayed." At that point Doc told Tommy to drop what he was doing and get to the venue. He was going to have to play the show.

                We traveled with a Spaceman outfit custom-fitted to Tommy – as an insurance policy. A brand new outfit, boots and all, tailored to Tommy always came along in one of the wardrobe crates. We knew Tommy could do it, but he had never actually done it.

                "You guys are like superheroes," said Doc. "So Tommy Thayer is playing Batman today? It's still Batman."

                Tommy got made up and dressed. And meanwhile we were geting updates on Ace's location as the start time of the show approached. He's landed . . . passenger is in helicopter . . . 50 miles away. . .

                Ace walked into the dressing room about 20 minutes before the show was scheduled to start. He looked at Tommy – fully dressed and made up, with his guitar on, ready to go – and just said, "Oh, hey Tommy, how you doin'?"

                We delayed the show an hour, Ace got into his makeup, and we played the concert.

                The fact that we traveled with a costume for Tommy didn't seem to faze Ace. He thought it was a ploy – something between a joke and an empty threat. But we were 100 percent ready to go on with Tommy. We didn't have him suit up to teach Ace a lesson; we did it because we had a concert to play. The same reckless behavior that had led to a decades-long downward spiral was threatening to sink the ship. Here was a life preserver.

                Still, Ace continued to think and act like he was irreplaceable. He continued to show total disregard for everyone else, continued to act as if we were blessed to have him. He congratulated himself on making it to the show.

                "This will not do," Doc said to me and Gene. "These guys are just terrible. I run a management company, not the Red Cross. They don't send me into destroyed countries to rebuild things. I don't save people. You have to make changes."​
                Eat Us And Smile - The Originals

                "I have a very belligerent enthusiasm or an enthusiastic belligerence. I’m an intellectual slut." - David Lee Roth

                "We are part of the, not just the culture, but the geography. Van Halen music goes along with like fries with the burger." - David Lee Roth


                • Mushroom
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 1133

                  I couldn't care less But in short, in case you are just joining us in this thread... Paul and Gene are "no bullshit" dudes while Ace and Peter are full of bullshit and destructive devices. They all got what they deserve. I would lose my patience with undependable drug addicts. Without stating the obvious I know who I would believe.


                  • sonrisa salvaje
                    • Jun 2005
                    • 2098

                    Notice Paul said it was the third tour since the reunion? That was never supposed to happen but they kept trying to milk it. Ace and Peter were miserable at that point so yeah they probably did act irresponsibly. Of course, had they just up and quit mid tour because they couldn't handle it anymore....well i'm sure you can imagine what Paul and Gene would have said.
                    RIDE TO LIVE, LIVE TO RIDE
                    LET `EM ROLL ONE MORE TIME


                    • Mr. Vengeance
                      Full Member Status

                      • Nov 2004
                      • 4148

                      This never ending bashfest from Paul and Gene is boring. It's like they have to continuously hammer away at them in order to validate two scabs dressed in Ace and Peter's makeup. Just design new makeup for both, and there wouldn't have been any issue with the old guard fans. But they didn't. Know why? Because the old makeup is recognizable and that means $$$. Bottom line. Stop acting like this was all about Ace and Peter and their (alleged) self destructive ways. You knew what you were getting when you reunited, and kept doing it for years after it was supposed to end, because the $$$ kept rolling in.
                      Stay Frosty, muthas!


                      • silverfish
                        Foot Soldier
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 566

                        The KISS RS cover story is on-line - link
                        Also, 18 Things You Learn Hanging Out With Kiss - link
                        Originally posted by sadaist
                        I don't mind that one Nickelback song. I just hate the fact that they put it on every album 10 times.


                        • silverfish
                          Foot Soldier
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 566

                          Rolling Stone cover story - link.

                          18 Things You Learn Hanging Out With Kiss - link.
                          Originally posted by sadaist
                          I don't mind that one Nickelback song. I just hate the fact that they put it on every album 10 times.


                          • Nickdfresh
                            SUPER MODERATOR

                            • Oct 2004
                            • 49326

                            Originally posted by indeedido
                            Ze germans!

                            Here's an interesting interview done with Ace back in 2011 for his book. He addresses what happened with the incident and Gene is sort of full of shit by singling out and just blaming Freely. The guy next to him is Paul Stanley, apparently, and Peter Criss was also in on it after a show in Japan. He talks about towards the end and regrets it...
                            Last edited by Nickdfresh; 04-06-2014, 04:43 PM.


                            • fraroc
                              • Jun 2012
                              • 1172

                              Originally posted by Nickdfresh
                              Here's an interesting interview done with Ace back in 2011 for his book. He addresses what happened with the incident and Gene is sort of full of shit by singling out and just blaming Freely. The guy next to him is Paul Stanley, apparently, and Peter Criss was also in on it after a show in Japan. He talks about towards the end and regrets it...
                              Judging from Pete's book, Ace, Peter and Paul all dressed up as nazis as a stupid little joke thing but Peter and Ace took it to the next extreme by knocking on Genes door and screaming "YOU VILL GIVE ME YOUR PAPERS OR VE VILL THROW YOUR JEWISH ASS INTO THE OVENS!!" Paul of course dropped the act and reamed them both a new one about how Genes mother is a holocaust survivor.
                              How do you spell pretentious? S-A-M-M-Y H-A-G-A-R


                              • Terry
                                DIAMOND STATUS
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 12022

                                Meh. All of the back and forth between Gene, Paul, Ace and Peter has become just as stale as the reunion itself was by the year 2000.

                                Great reunion in the first couple of years of it, though. KISS came back in a big way in 1996, and it took all four of the original members to make it happen. The band/brand name is still limping along, but at this late date what are these four guys even exchanging barbs over anymore? I doubt Peter Criss could physically get through an entire set today even if everyone in the band (Gene and Paul, basically) wanted him to rejoin the group. Peter wasn't happy in 2003 on the last tour because Ace wasn't there anymore. Peter was also having physical difficulties getting through sets. Cold as it may be, Gene and Paul made a decision to not renew Peter's contract and got Singer in there. It probably extended the life of the band for another decade. Frehley left on his own accord a year prior to Peter's departure in 2003. So the band got Tommy Thayer in there to keep the band performing and making money. Far as the scabs using the old makeup and costumes, so what? Didn't Criss and Frehley sign away their rights to that stuff? Nobody is forcing people to go see scab KISS. As long as the demand is there, Gene and Paul will keep playing as long as they are physically able to. What the fuck else are Gene and Paul supposed to do? Playing in KISS is the one thing they CAN do and get paid handsomely for it. Everyone in the band has egos. Gene is greedy. Paul is a control freak. Criss likes to still blather on about how he was 'responsible' for KISS's most commercially successful single. Frehley liked to drink. All of them like to complain about the others. Blah blah blah.
                                I dunno. At one point I was kinda saddened by the way the reunion went sour as Frehley and Criss eventually left the band - again - but it gets kinda hard to be in my mid-40s and still be bothered enough to get into a tizzy about if someone has the 'right' to wear a makeup design. I mean, am I the only one who thinks Eddie Trunk needs to grow up about this KISS biz? Like, even if Frehley and Criss HAD stayed in the band through today, I doubt I would be seeing KISS shows what does it matter if Singer and Thayer are there instead?
                                I loved KISS when I was a kid in the 1970s. I still like the records and still watch the various KISSology dvds every now and then. But the band have stuck around a bit beyond their sell-by date for my tastes.
                                Scramby eggs and bacon.

